Keep Going

Persistent people recognize and sweep aside the weaknesses which stand between them and their goals. Their persistence develops into a respected, progressive power. Without persistence, we are defeated even before we start. With persistence and strong desire and consistent action we will win. Be the one who takes the pain of defeat and uses it as an urge to greater effort! For Fortune acknowledges talent, recognizes genius, but only pays off after one has refused to quit.

Do. Not. Quit.

Instead, force adversity, obstacles, and all the trials Fortune throws at you to give up. Make Fortune say, “Aw what’s the use? You don’t know when you’re whipped, so name your price and go to work in earnest.” The persistent men and women get to name their price from life, and life will pay it–but only after they have proven their grit.

For every day you keep going, thousands of others quit. So keep going.

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