Stay The Course

Life is hard. All of human history has been opportunity and adversity mixed in an endless whirlpool of change. So, too, with our lives today. There is much to be seized as our own, and there is much standing in our way. We invariably choose a path. Our youth is filled with dreams and desires, […]

Thoughts on Fear

Fear is like a gossamer veil. It distorts what we see, but at the same time it is often light enough to remain beneath our awareness. Oftentimes we do not understand that a situation, an opportunity, or a change is not in itself a terrible thing, that the reason we feel so repelled, so unwilling […]

Seneca on Activity, Fear, Self-Love, Death, and Enduring Suffering

All of us can stand to gain from musing on the thoughts echoed through the ages, the ideas passed on, immortal ideas, the gifts of those who came before us and were students enough of life to not only think, but be generous with their thoughts. It is one of the greatest gifts of all. […]


Fear is pervasive, and it is the major paradigm that holds most back in life: fear of failure, fear of criticism, fear of rejection, and so on. Fear cannot be escaped. It is human. But what every person has the power to do, whether they believe it or not, is to evaluate their fear and […]