Arnold Bennett on Time and Living a Meaningful Life

There is nothing more valuable than time. All other things spring from it, and all things shall bend to it, even the stars. Yet in this day and age we worry about money and other tangibles and neglect our greatest possession of all, which is our time. And like an hourglass, each second, each moment, is a grain of sand from the top–the time we have yet to live–going through the narrow point–the present–and falling eternally to the bottom–the past. We cannot get back a second of what we have lived. Yet we care so much more about getting back pennies at the grocery store.

Arnold Bennett put it well, and I will share those thoughts with you today.

“We shall never have more time. We have, and have always had, all the time there is.”

It is fruitless saying we would do this or that if only we had more time. We all have the same amount of time. What differs is how we use it.

In order to make the best of life, one must do two things:

  1. Strive to reach his or her potential.
  2. Properly, wisely, managed his or her resources.

The most valuable resource is time. But we waste it, some by thinking of the past or the future–then, not now. But it is by living on twenty-four hours a day that one uses time well. Every day is a new opportunity to use the time we are given, and to live is to live in that time only, not beyond what is or has yet to happen.

“The supply of time is a daily miracle. You wake up in the morning and lo! your purse is magically filled with twenty-four hours of the unmanufactured tissue of the universe of your live. It is yours!”

And here’s the thing: you cannot draw on the future. You can only waste the passing moment. You cannot waste tomorrow, it is kept from you. You must live on these hours alone. Out of it you have to spin wealth, pleasure, money, happiness, respect, and the evolution of your immortal soul. Its right use is a matter of the highest urgency.

The old invariably lament what they neglected to do, not what they did. Though you may not succeed in all you set out to do, remember that it’s the trying that matters, the journey that fulfills us. Even if you fail, you will fare better than the man who never started. Choose to live in suhc a way that no one can say that you didn’t try. Try, and succeed, that’s the name of the game–but even failure is better than never beginning in the first place.

Use your time to improve yourself. It is never too late to do so.

“You can turn a new leaf every hour if you choose.”

You can reinvent yourself each hour of the day. There are no excuses. You are never too old, too young, to tied down–NEVER! You can always grow. Just remember to start small . . .

“Be content with a little, start small. Allow for accidents. Allow for human nature, especially your own. A glorious failure is better than a petty success.”

Do not let fear or doubt stand in your way. And do not let this world steal your greatest possession: this very moment.

Use it. It’s yours.

Keep going.

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