Be Good To Yourself

It is not easy, the path we tread. The road is long and winding, treacherous indeed, and sometimes we tire so much that we cannot think of moving on. Do not reject such difficulty, but do not chide yourself for feeling this weariness either. We are all finite beings, although infinite in potential. All people, even the greatest, get tired and feel uncertainty. So as you feel now, in this life of constant change, do not despair and do not embitter yourself. Instead, be good to yourself. Take a step back and appreciate all that you have done, and take this moment, sit down, and treat yourself to something that warms your heart and mind. It need not be much, but every bit counts, for to be good to yourself is to accept things as they are, appreciate who you are with all your flaws and strengths, and relax despite what looms before you in the future. Take this moment, enjoy it, it’s yours. Tomorrow will come soon enough. But what will never return, my friend, is now.

Keep going . . .