
On the eve of this new year, let us remember that there is nothing more valuable or filled with potential than this very moment. We make resolutions on this eve, lofty promises and goals, and yet more often than not they fall along the wayside soon thereafter. And it is because we have let the things that plague us grow too large, that we do not notice them until we arrive at the end of another precious year of our lives, that we so haphazardly try to throw together a response. It is far better, instead of just doing it once a year, to make every day a day of resolution, to not let anything that bothers us grow more than it has already–to be decisive, and to live presently, not in the past or in the future. For now is all the time we have, and ever will have. Let us treat it as such, and use every moment available for the cognition and subsequent creation of the lives we want to live. Do not wait. Every day is a day in which you can turn your life around–and so is every hour, every minute, every breath. You need not wait on the turning of a clock, the ringing of a bell, the countdown to some celebrated moment. All you need is your mind, and a will to deliberately set it to task. So on this eve of 2018, a year that will be filled with opportunity and wonder–as all years have been, for those who looked for them–decide daily what sort of life you want to live, and make it happen.

The best time to begin anew is now, whenever that may be.


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