Conscious change is the only sure way to bring more good things into your life.
“Nothing will change until we change — until we throw off our dependence and act for ourselves.”
Myles Horton
Change is the only constant in this world — but conscious positive change is not.
Most people let change sweep them along, but they do not make a decision to change themselves, to make the difference within that will bring about the lives they want.
What do you want to change in your life?
- Your finances?
- Your relationships?
- Your creativity?
- Your productivity?
- Your health?
- Your mindfulness?
- Your happiness?
- Your thinking habits?
- The way others treat you?
- How your days go?
There are many things worthy of changing for, and the only thing that we can always, ALWAYS change, is ourselves — and only when we change ourselves, do those positive changes happen. Sure, we can depend on chance, on serendipity, but most of the time it won’t work. What does work is taking responsibility that this is our life, and that what comes into our lives is a result of what flows from us.
“The only things that can flow to you, are based on what’s flowing from you.” — John Kanary
When you change, everything changes.
- How do your thoughts affect your life — and what can a positive change accomplish?
- How do your actions and habits affect your results — and what changes can you make to improve them?
- How do your beliefs about yourself determine your interactions with others — and what can you alter, or improve, to enhance it?
- How do your dreams affect how you spend your time — and can you change your dreams into something even more inspiring?
We can’t change how the world works, how others are, how life is, how reality is, but we can always change how we are . That’s it. That’s the secret. That’s the key. Change. Conscious, positive change. Every single day.
In the words of Jim Rohn, here’s the great challenge of life:
“You can have more than you’ve got because you can become more than you are. Unless you change how you are, you’ll always have what you’ve got.”
Whatever you want.
Whatever you dream of.
Whatever you want more of from life.
Whatever you want more of from others.
There must first be, always be, a corresponding change within yourself — you must first give of yourself a new expression, a higher ideal, a better self, before life will give to you.
- If you wish to be loved, show love and kindness.
- If you wish for more wealth, produce more value for others.
- If you wish for better health, get on that treadmill.
This doesn’t mean you’re not good enough. No. You are. You are worthy — because you have that capacity to change, to grow, to learn, to become. We are all good enough if we decide that we are and can be. We’re good enough because we don’t throw in the towel. We’re stronger than that and we harness the power of change for our betterment.
And unless we change, not much will change.
Yet most people do that: they wait for something else to change them, rather than for themselves to change themselves.
For example, how often do people travel somewhere thinking it will magically make them feel better and happier? To “get away” from their lives. The problem is: you’re taking yourself with you, no matter where you go, and the most important thing is the sort of person you are whenever you go somewhere, for it colors the experience in its image. It doesn’t matter where you go if you stay the same. As Phil Rosen wrote, travel doesn’t change you, you change you.
It’s not easy, but it’s worth it.
Change your life, starting today, by changing yourself.
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