Make Every Day Its Own Victory, And You’ll Reap A Victorious Life

Your life is made of your days, and each day is a brick in the foundation of your success. “The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time.” Abraham Lincoln Life is how we look at it. It can be an overwhelming task, all those months and years looming with all […]

Fail Upwards: How You Treat Your Failures Will Determine Whether You Succeed.

Failure is not only an option, but a necessity — and so is your proper reaction to it. “Successful people don’t fear failure, but understand that it’s necessary to learn and grow from.” Robert T. Kiyosaki YOU WILL FAIL There, glad that’s over with. It’s true though, you will fail. I will fail. We will fail. That […]

11 Timeless Lessons From Epictetus That Will Change How You See Your Life

Eternal life advice from one of the greatest stoic philosophers . . . “No man is free who is not master of himself.”  Epictetus Self-mastery doesn’t require magic bullets. If anything, it necessitates the timeless wisdom and eternal lessons that have survived the ages.  Mastery requires tools that have stood the test of time. Some lessons never change. […]

14 Powerful Lessons From Rome’s Greatest Leader

How to tackle life with the mindset of an emperor. “It takes a wise man to learn from his mistakes, but an even wiser man to learn from others.” Zen Proverb The past is a school, but it need not be our own past that we learn from. We can learn from others who came […]

Here’s the Formula for Success

Success is simple — it’s just not  easy. Success is not an accident. It happens for a reason, because of the things put into it. It is the result of a consistent, deliberate process. And it’s nothing new. I find that literature exemplifies this perfectly. Whether one reads the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, or a fresh copy […]