There are only so many tomorrows.
Author: Spencer
Choose Your Journey
Your life may not be a blank page, but there is still room to write.
Embrace Your Inherent Imperfection
Life need not be an eternal war with yourself. You can choose to celebrate life, and your own imperfection, every single day. You’re human.
What Being A Paramedic Taught Me About Living, Dying, And What Really Matters
The world looks different from the back of an ambulance.
Will Today Be The Day You Finally Change Your Life?
The only time you can change your destiny is now.
Give This Gift To Everyone You Meet Today
Everyone you meet today needs a little kindness.
8 Pillars of a Satisfied and Happy Life
Depth of life matters more than its length.
One Day Your World Will Stop
How will you live before that time comes?
Don’t Miss Life While Chasing After Success
Some of life’s greatest pleasures are already around you, and most are simple and absolutely free.
A Case for Tragic Optimism: Making Good Out of Life’s Ingredients, Even the Bitter Ones.
There is a duality to life, and by nature all things: Love and hate Joy and sorrow Darkness and light Life and death Good and evil Some people focus on one side over another, but that doesn’t mean it’s not there — or that it won’t affect them. The business of living is not an […]