Your Opponent is Time

We face many challenges in life, the foes of our success numerous and varied, but far greater than all of them is time–for time is the one obstacle we can never hope to defeat. Each of us only have so many mornings to rise to, so many days to live out, and so many nights […]


On the eve of this new year, let us remember that there is nothing more valuable or filled with potential than this very moment. We make resolutions on this eve, lofty promises and goals, and yet more often than not they fall along the wayside soon thereafter. And it is because we have let the […]

For Every Choice You Make, Ask This Simple Question . . .

Our motivations drive our actions, yet so often we are blind to what are motivations really are–and whether they are truly good for us. Get in the habit of asking yourself for every dilemma, every relationship, every commitment, or every failure to commit: Does this choice diminish me or enlarge me? Every choice we make, […]

True Silence

We all know what it’s like to sit in a library or classroom or some other public space and try to concentrate there. We all know the people who turn their heads at every noise, who lift their eyes from their books whenever someone talks, whenever a mere pin drops. Maybe that is ourselves. And […]

Be Good To Yourself

It is not easy, the path we tread. The road is long and winding, treacherous indeed, and sometimes we tire so much that we cannot think of moving on. Do not reject such difficulty, but do not chide yourself for feeling this weariness either. We are all finite beings, although infinite in potential. All people, […]

When Others Wrong You

The subconscious mind is like a wellspring, bringing forth the water we drink. From the depths it comes, unseen, until it manifests itself on the surface. So, too, are our minds the wellsprings of our actions, of our perceptions, and many other aspects of our lives. Marcus Aurelius, Roman philosopher and emperor, wrote incessantly about […]

Seneca – The Balance of Activity and Leisure

Western society is a hive of activity, of rushing and going, of nonstop motion. Humanity has never been more driven about, so bombarded by information and spurred to often senseless action, and what this gives us is often an illusion of activity, an illusion of productivity. But are we really going anywhere? As the Roman […]

Tao Te Ching ~ Lao Tzu’s Simple Yet Revealing Statements on Character

Laozi was an ancient Chinese philosopher and writer, known as the reputed author of the Tao Te Ching. He is seen as the founder of philosophical Taoism. His work has been immortalized through the ages, and much of it stands today as a timeless reminder of what it means to live full to one’s potential […]

The Fine Line Between Creating and Copying

All art is imitation to some extent. We are inspired by the works of others, by nature itself, or by countless other things that may draw our attention and enamor us with their example. There is no such thing as complete originality, for no matter what we do we draw upon that which has shaped […]

Contentment – Happiness in an Unhappy World

We all know what contentment means–or at least we think we do. It is such a simple concept. To be content is to be happy with what one has, to look upon his or her life and feel no envy, no bitterness, but simply a calm acceptance of what is and an elation of all […]