You cannot run away from yourself . . . For several years of his life, Seneca (c. 4 BC – AD 64) was the guiding hand of the Roman Empire. His timeless writings, which are well portrayed in Letters from a Stoic, were derived mainly from Stoic principles, which had been developed centuries earlier in […]
Author: Spencer
When You Wake Up In The Morning, Remember This . . .
Remember that this moment is all that you have. That your future is yet to come, and your past is finished. It is only now, this very instant, that is yours to shape to your will–or to let others shape it to theirs. All of your dreams, all of your goals, everything you desire, it […]
It Doesn’t Always Have To Be All Or Nothing
We do all we can, we do the best we can, but some days we wake up and we’re behind, and things are not on time, and it feels as though our routines and plans are coming undone. Do not despair. Instead, do what you can, get done what you can, and keep going. Even […]
The First Fall of Snow
“The first fall of snow is not only an event, it is a magical event. You go to bed in one kind of a world and wake up in another quite different, and if this is not enchantment then where is it to be found?” J. B. Priestley Today the first snow fell, and as […]
Arnold Bennett on Time and Living a Meaningful Life
There is nothing more valuable than time. All other things spring from it, and all things shall bend to it, even the stars. Yet in this day and age we worry about money and other tangibles and neglect our greatest possession of all, which is our time. And like an hourglass, each second, each moment, […]
On Perception
“Things have no hold on the soul. They standing unmoving, outside it. Disturbances come only from within–from our own perceptions . . . The world is nothing but change. Our life is only perception.” The words of Marcus Aurelius always touch me, and these in particular. I find that life is chaos when we let […]
When We Fail
Failure happens. It happened then, it happened now–I am not surprised. I saw it coming, even, in the way I thought, in how I ended up so twisted into a cycle of unraveling perceptions, all false, all poison. It is not that I failed that is what disturbs me, but the mechanism–how easy it was. […]
It is difficult. I understand. We all face trials, we all face things that break us either in part or in full. It is a human thing, to face extraordinary challenges, for our pursuits, by nature of their higher purpose, also bring with them higher risk and greater potential for reward or calamity. It’s an […]
When All Seems Lost
We all arrive at a point in our lives when everything seems to be on the verge of oblivion. Jobs fail, families collapse, economies crumble, relationships end, health deteriorates . . . there are many things that may make you feel like your rope is short and you’re at its end. And it is easy, […]
The Importance of Stopping
This world is at breakneck pace. Society is churning like a whirlpool, its influence tugging us always towards is tumultuous center, always away from the calm waters at its edge. And for the most part one must go with it, to face the world and life and take risks and GO FOR IT. But at […]